Welcome to our Customer company Customer!
Sanaa, Yemen


Bin Ayed Al-Dhib Est. for Trade and Import was established in 1992 in the Republic of Yemen. It is one of the leading and specialized companies in importing and marketing pesticides, agricultural fertilizers and agricultural production supplies….

Our Vision

We look forward to expanding the future business and implementing smart ideas to bring our company to a global level in providing our services with the highest quality.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide quality agricultural development services and agricultural inputs that can have positive impacts on agricultural development and increase production

Our Obejctive

Our goal is to improve the agricultural field and increase productivity by addressing the problems of agriculture

Alarabi Humate

I’ve got the energy and experience to help you pursue them. If you are ready to start taking decisive action, let’s chat.

Our Product

Agricultural Fertilizers

Agricultural Pesticides

Microorganism Revolution

Ben Ayedh Al-Dhib Est. provides fertilizer products, They affect:

-Amount of nutrients found naturally in soil

-Absorption of nutrients by plants

-Evolution and deepening of the root system of plants

-Reduction of plant diseases and causes

-Soil health and fertility

-Reduce Ingsal Nutrients and Environmental Pollution


Fan facts

I have a many funfacts for the best works.

1 +
Years of
1 +
Success of
1 +
Expert team member

My work portfolio

In this context, our approach was to build trusted and strategic relationships within Agricultural sectors, with the goal of advancing Agricultural, trade and business outcomes.


Altayar Humi

Humic Water Soluble Powder, Increases soil fertility and stimulates growth

Our Product

Improves Crop Quality

NPK Fertilizer helps stimulate root growth, floral composition and fruit quality

Our Product

Increases Vegetative Growth

Iron helps in chlorophyll formation and therefore greatly increases vegetative growth

Our Product

Improves Soil Fertility

Fertility can be improved by adding organic and inorganic fertilizer to the soil

Contact us

Contact for any help

We’re here to help. If you can’t find the right speaker you need, or would like speaker ideas tailored to your event.

Our head office address:

Zaid St., Sanaa, Republic of Yemen

Call for help:

(967) 777725020 - 777722445
(967) 01-837610

Saada Branch:

(967) 775778137- 716662478
(967) 716695222

Mail us for information
