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Sanaa, Yemen



Our services are comprehensive to the agricultural sector

Our services to the agricultural sector import agricultural chemicals, fertilizers, micronutrients and agricultural pesticides from the world’s largest and most famous companies and manufacturers where we provide our customers with the following products:
1- Fertilizer and agricultural fertilizer:
– Natural and pure organic fertilizer extracted from natural substances such as humic acid fertilizer.
– Monophosphate fertilizer and composite.
– Single and composite nitrogen fertilizer
– Potassium fertilizer such as potassium sulphate fertilizer
– Other composite fertilizer of phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium elements.
– Fertilizing micro-elements and growth organizations such as zinc, manganese, iron, chlorine, copper, magnesium, boron and amino acids.
2- Agricultural pesticides:
– Insecticides resistant to harmful insects and rodents harmful to crops.
– Fungicides to combat fungi harmful to crops.
– Harmful weed pesticides.

Contact us

Contact for any help!

We’re here to help. If you can’t find the right speaker you need, or would like speaker ideas tailored to your event.

Our head office address:

Zaid St., Sanaa, Republic of Yemen

Call for help:

(967) 777725020 - 777722445
(967) 01-837610

Mail us for information
